Under Armour & UA Athletes to Donate More than 35,000 UA Sportsmasks Across the Globe

The Company and Its Athlete Partners Will Donate More Than 35,000 Innovative Performance Masks to Young Athletes to Get Them Back Training Amid Cancelled or Delayed Sports Seasons.

Supporting Young Athletes


Coronavirus may have shut down competition for young athletes, but Under Armour wants to ensure they can still play.


That’s why this fall, the company is continuing to invest in young athletes and providing them with a performance mask – a training necessity in today’s pandemic environment that often runs a higher price than generic masks currently in the market and may be unattainable for many young athletes.


The company announced that, in partnership with pro athletes, it will donate more than 35,000 UA SPORTSMASKs to young athletes dealing with the effects of the pandemic in cities like Oakland, Nashville, Baltimore and others around the world. The UA SPORTSMASK, which launched earlier this summer, is the first to be designed for athletes to train in with innovative technology to keep them cool and comfortable while being active.

SportsMask Giveback
SportsMask Giveback
SportsMask Giveback

"All over the world people are facing unimaginable circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and for young athletes, that also means new barriers to practice and compete with their teammates. I am proud to partner with Under Armour to help provide the Oakland community with the equipment needed to help weather this pandemic and continue our shared mission in positively impacting our communities and operating with a greater purpose in all that we do."

- Stephen Curry