Under Armour Australia Together We Will Workout 2019


“The warm up is about firstly connecting the breath and mind so that when we start to do activity the athletes are very present and their nervous system is ready to move from being calm to being active. The breath and mobility work will help the athletes engage with the session on every level; physical, mental and emotional.” – Nam Baldwin, High Performance Coach.


  • Deep breaths in and out to connect the whole body and activate all areas to function together 




Approx. 40 minute session, 1 minute per drill




“The focus here is to engage key areas that the athletes use in their sport and activates the right muscles for the workout – hips, knees, shoulders. Because each athlete goes through explosive work in their sport, in training it is very important that the right muscles are warm and mobile before commencing moves. It’s highly important that an athlete slowly activates the muscles they will need to use to minimise injury, regardless of their level of expertise” – Nam Baldwin, High Performance Coach


Focus: activation and mobility


  • Band walks side to side
  • Monster walks
  • Single leg bridges



“This zone is about getting the athletes doing some low impact responsive training, having to go through movement patterns that use a combination of different muscles due to a stimulus. I’m using a stick to challenge them to move rather than just telling them, this will assist their nervous system to become highly active and therefore more primed to do the other zones. Most workouts are structured and there are different movement patterns but Together We Will is about exploring things in a more athletic, mobile and responsive way together – getting playful and doing plyometric drills involves a lot of muscular action and nervous system function so lightens up the athletes brain as well as their body” – Nam Baldwin, High Performance Coach


Focus: responsive work by activating the whole body and engaging the brain


  • Stick work
  • Lunge openers
  • Lunge rotations



This zone takes inspiration from Danielle Scott and Liz Clay. It is explosive and involves proprioceptive skills where you’re really getting the brain and the body to work effectively together through drills that will allow the brain to know where the body is in space. This helps in better muscle control and speed for the disciplines that they do - Danielle is upside down, back to front, spinning off the top of a mountain and she’s got to know where her body is in space. Then adding plyometric work adds to their ability to produce and transfer power through to speed, critical for all athletes. The drills today get the athlete to tune in and think about the movements they are doing, which enhances their speed and capability to move their body effectively.” – Nam Baldwin, High Performance Coach


Focus: intensity work, where the body is warmed up, nervous system is ready to go and we take the zones into higher heart rates, more muscle activations and get them challenged in mental and physical ways


  • Partner tennis ball drills
  • Push ups



“This zone is inspired by Madison De Rozario who has unbelievable upper body strength. This zone incorporates upper body power and pushing, and also using a medicine ball to explode through the upper body to get that power and strength - which helps Madi to get the wheelchair moving. This zone is also inspired by Sally Fitzgibbons through proprioceptive work, which is very important for her to know where her body is in space when she does big turns on the wave and plyometric work by having that power coming through her body, which she can transfer into speed. To get the athletes to sharpen their capabilities in all areas, we have added a timed element to this i.e. they are competing against each other for that added pressure, similar to competition.” – Nam Baldwin, High Performance Coach


Focus: Intensity work. The body is warmed up, nervous system is ready to go and we take the zones into higher heart rates, more muscle activations and get them challenged in mental and physical ways.


  • Skipping
  • Burpees
  • Ladder drill
  • Bear crawl
  • Plank get ups
  • Partner back to back squat & medicine ball pass
  • Swiss ball pikes 
  • Goblet squats
  • Floor chest medicine ball throws 
  • Box jumps with step downs



  • Relaxed breathing to reset the nervous system